The Lightroom Develop module is your key to amazing images
Develop: The heart of Lightroom
Which Lightroom is best for you?
1. The Edit/Develop Module: Reviewing the Basics
Order of operations
The importance of Auto
Creative profiles
White balance and temperature
Tone: Basic and Curves
B&W and toning
Workflow in Lightroom
2. The Edit/Develop Module: In Depth
HDR and post
Sharpening: Global and variable
Noise Reduction and grain addition
Lens correction, upright, and manual perspective control
Clarity, vignetting, and Dehaze
Precision sliders and using the alt or opt key
In-depth workflow in Lightroom
3. Edit/Develop Tools
Crop and draw to straighten
Retouching and the adjustment brush
Graduated filters
Multiple graduated filters for special effects
Adjustment brush tricks
Develop workflow
Develop tools workflow in Lightroom
4. Saving Time
Match total exposure
Synching settings
The power of presets
Applying presets on import
Before, after, and history
Differences between Lightroom and Classic workflow
5. Lightroom: Beyond the Desktop
Syncing from Lightroom to mobile
Lightroom mobile phone raw and HDR capture
Quick edits
Deeper edits
Accessing Lightroom anywhere
Sharing, collaboration, and culling
6. Beyond Lightroom
When to go to Photoshop
Creative imaging
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