Conquer your pointer fears
Compiling the code
1. Pointer Basics
Understanding pointers
Exploring pointer tools
Using pointers as function arguments
Working with function pointers
Challenge: Obtain an address
Solution: Obtain an address
2. Memory Allocation and Buffers
Comparing arrays and pointers
Allocating storage
Exploring allocation functions
Accessing the buffer
Working with pointers in structures
Creating structure pointers
Saving pointers and buffers
Challenge: Saving and reading a record
Solution: Saving and reading a record
3. Linked Lists
Understanding a linked list
Implementing a linked list
Removing structures
Adding structures
Creating a double-linked list
Saving a linked list
Challenge: Manage a linked list
Solution: Manage a linked list
4. Advanced and Crazy Pointers
Understanding pointers to pointers
Sending a pointer to a function
Sorting pointers
Managing memory
Creating pointers to functions
Challenge: Manipulate a pointer array
Solution: Manipulate a pointer array
(82 KB)