Build powerful apps using the Common Data Service
What you need for this course
1. Use the Common Data Service (CDS)
The Common Data Service: The basics
Log in to PowerApps
Make a canvas app using CDS for apps
Save your app
2. Work with CDS Entities and Relationships
Explore the CDS entities
Create a custom entity in PowerApps
Add and customize text fields and option groups
Add a relationship to a custom entity
Customize views and forms
Add data to an entity using Power Query
Dynamics 365 and the Common Data Service
3. Work with CDS Fields and Logic
Define a calculated field
Edit a calculation to add a condition
Delete a field
Add fields to support the business rule
Add a condition to a business rule
Add actions to a business rule
Validate, save, and activate the business rule
Preview a model-driven sample app
Edit a model-driven app in the app designer
4. Set Up an Environment
Create an environment
Create a CDS for Apps database
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