Stay sharp in Microsoft Teams with quick tips
1. General Teams Tips
Set up notifications effectively
Quickly change your status
Use Do Not Disturb efficiently
Discover keyboard commands in Teams
Use Who to identify a coworker
2. Working with Messages
Target people with @mentions
Edit or delete a message
Bookmark messages
Translate messages from another language
Use the immersive reader
Three ways to share files in Teams
Forward an email to a channel conversation
3. Working with Teams
View a list of members on a team
Remove team members and change member status
Create a team using an existing team as a template
Find and join public teams in your organization
Archive and restore a team
4. Meeting Tips
Share your screen in a video meeting
Share a PowerPoint presentation in a meeting
Share a PowerPoint presentation in the mobile app
5. Customizing the Interface
Hide a team you don’t use
Use the dark theme
6. Other Helpful Tips
Optimize data and battery on mobile
Adjust administrator settings for your organization