What you should know before watching this course
Course disclaimer
1. What is Pen Testing?
Pen testing overview
The cyber kill chain
2. Pen Testing Tools
An Nmap refresher
A Netcat refresher
Capturing packets with tcpdump
Working with netstat, nbtstat, and arp
Scripting with PowerShell
Extending PowerShell with Nishang
3. Bash Scripting
Refreshing your bash skills
Controlling the flow in a script
Using functions in bash
4. Python Scripting
Refreshing your Python skills
Using the system functions
Using networking functions
Working with websites
Driving Metasploit through Python
Accessing SQLite databases
Using Scapy to work with packets
5. Kali and Metasploit
A Kali refresher
Fuzzing with Spike
Information gathering with Sparta
Adding the Trity tool to Kali
A refresher on Metasploit
Exploiting with Armitage
Scanning targets with OpenVAS
6. Web Testing
Approaching web testing
Testing websites with Burp Suite
Identifying web vulnerabilites with Nikto
Fingerprinting webservers
7. Understanding Exploit code
Exploiting a target
Understanding code injection
Understanding buffer overflows
Finding exploit code
What's next
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