Get started with Metasploit
1. Understanding Metasploit
Brief history of Metasploit
Overview and architecture
What can Metasploit do?
Some concepts, terms, and definitions
2. Lab Setup and Installation
System requirements for Metasploit
Setting up Metasploit environment
Setting up Metasploit environment: Ubuntu
Setting up Metasploit environment: Kali Linux
Setting up target machines
3. First Look at Metasploit
Metasploit interfaces (msfcli, msfconsole, Armitage)
Basic commands of msfconsole
Exploits and payloads
Metasploit database basics
Commercial versions of Metasploit
4. Information Gathering Using Metasploit
Passive information gathering
Performing Nmap scans from Metasploit
Service-centric scans
Using other port scanners
5. Vulnerability Assessment Using Metasploit
Scanning web applications using WMAP
Importing Nessus scan results
6. Target Exploitation Using Metasploit
Basic exploitation steps: FTP brute force
Basic exploitation steps: FTP backdoor
Basic exploitation steps: SSH brute force
7. Meterpreter Deep Dive
Understanding Meterpreter
Use cases of Meterpreter
Meterpreter commands
Privilege escalation using Meterpreter
8. Client-Side Exploitation
What are client-side attacks?
Video-based attacks
Malicious executables
9. Post-Exploitation
Using post-exploitation modules
Dumping passwords and privilege escalation
What's next?