The magic of low-light photography
1. Setting the Stage
What can you shoot in low light?
What you need for this course
2. Exposure Considerations
Working with exposure parameters in low light
Working with image sensors in low light
Working with shutter speed in low light
Considering motion blur
Working with ISO in low light
Assessing your camera's high ISO capability
Working with in-camera noise reduction
Working with aperture in low light
Understanding dynamic range
Working with color temperature and white balance
Exposing to the right
3. Scenario: A Dinner Party
Talking with Steve Simon about low-light photography
Shooting by candlelight
Choosing a mode
Exploring the role of lens stabilization
White balance considerations
Flash considerations
Problem solving
Understanding aesthetics and composition
4. Scenario: A Performance
Preparing for the shoot
Act I: adjusting to the light
Intermission: reviewing the strategy
Act II: moving to the back of the house
After the show: lessons learned
Reviewing the performance images
5. Scenario: In a City
Shooting in the shade
Street shooting
Shooting flash portraits at night
Controlling flash color temperature
Adjusting exposure to preserve the mood
Dynamic range considerations
6. Scenario: Landscapes
Shooting lingering sunsets
Exploring focusing strategies
Composing and focusing at night
Shooting the stars
Practicing low-light landscape shooting
Focusing on the horizon in low light
7. Special Effects
Light painting: behind the camera
Light painting: in front of the camera
Manipulating long shutter speeds
8. Post-Processing Considerations
Correcting white balance
Correcting white balance with a gray card
Correcting white balance of JPEG images
Blending exposures with different white balances
Brightening shadows in low-light photos
Reducing noise in low-light photos
Sharpening without exaggerating noise
Correcting depth-of-field issues
Shooting low light with your phone