Gain additional insights from your PostgreSQL data
What you should know
Using the exercise files
Learning with CoderPad
1. Obtain Summary Statistics by Grouping Rows
Using GROUP BY to aggregate data rows
Obtain general-purpose aggregate statistics
Evaluate columns with Boolean aggregates
Find the standard deviation and variance of a dataset
Include overall aggregates with ROLLUP
Return all possible combinations of groups with CUBE
Segmenting groups with aggregate filters
Solution: Group statistics with filters
2. Use Window Functions to Perform Calculations across Row Sets
Create a window function with an OVER clause
Partition rows within a window
Streamline partition queries with a WINDOW clause
Ordering data within a partition
Calculate a moving average with a sliding window
Return values at specific locations within a window
Solution: Leverage window functions
3. Statistics Based on Sorted Data within Groups
Calculate the median value of a dataset
Calculate the first and third quartiles of a dataset
Find the most frequent value within a dataset with MODE
Determine the range of values within a dataset
Solution: Retrieve statistics of a dataset with groups
4. Ranking Data with Windows and Hypothetical Sets
Rank rows with a window function
Find a hypothetical rank
View top performers with percentile ranks
Evaluate probability with cumulative distribution
Solution: Evaluate rankings within a dataset
5. Define Output Values with Conditional Expressions
Define values with CASE statements
Merge columns with COALESCE
Convert values to null with NULLIF
6. Additional Querying Techniques for Common Problems
Output row numbers with query results
Cast values to a different data type
Move rows within a result with LEAD and LAG
Use an IN function with a subquery
Define WHERE criteria with a series
Solution: Calculations across rows
Pattern matching with regular expressions
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