1. Microsoft Skype SDN API
Microsoft Skype SDN API overview
SDN infrastructure
Demo part 1: Set up calls
Demo part 2: Microsoft SDN API demo
Demo part 3: Microsoft SDN API demo
Microsoft Skype SDN API: High availability of SDN controllers and applications
2. HPE Wiretap Application
HPE SDN App Store
Network tap: Forward capture via GRE tunnel
Demo: Physical switch network tap
Demo: Wireshark capture from network tap
Demo: HPE physical switch configuration
Demo: HPE physical switch, OpenFlow tables, and wiretap tunnel
Demo: Mininet network tap using GRE tunnel
Demo: OVSDB on Mininet
Demo: Mininet (OVS) network tap via GRE tunnel
3. HPE DNS Interception Application
Introduction to Network Protector
DNS interception using OpenFlow
Lab setup using physical switches
Demo: Malicious websites blocked using Network Protector
Demo: OpenFlow tables: Interception flows
Demo: Physical switch configuration
Demo: Service insertion tunnel with GRE tunnel
Demo: Reporting
Demo: Switch now intercepting DNS traffic
4.Cisco Open SDN
Cisco SDN options overview
OpenDaylight (ODL) overview
Cisco DevNet: developer.cisco.com
Cisco Open SDN Controller (OSC) overview
Cisco Open SDN Controller (OSC) demo
OpenDaylight demo with Cisco App
OpenDaylight demo with Cisco App: Wireflows
OpenDaylight and Cisco App: SDN architecture
5. APIC-EM Path Trace and ACL Trace
APIC-EM theory
APIC-EM theory: NBI and SBI
Demo: Cisco APIC-EM path trace basics
Demo: APIC-EM ACL trace: Troubleshoot ACLs
Demo: APIC-EM with older devices and GNS3