Assess and practice your JavaScript loops and conditionals
System setup
1. Assess Yourself
Choose your adventure
2. Working with Conditionals
If and else decision-making
Challenge: High-deposit alerts
Solution: High-deposit alerts
Challenge: Stay above zero
Solution: Stay above zero
Challenge: Calculate discount offerings
Solution: Calculate discount offerings
Challenge: Quadratic formula
Solution: Quadratic formula
Challenge: Putting it all together
Solution: Putting it all together
Challenge: Calculate days in a month
Solution: Calculate days in a month
3. Working with Loops
While structure
Challenge: The Collatz conjecture
Solution: The Collatz conjecture
Challenge: Playing dice
Solution: Playing dice
Challenge: Calculate the break-even point of a loan
Solution: Calculate the break-even point of a loan
Challenge: Simulate an express lane checkout
Solution: Simulate an express lane checkout
For loops
Challenge: Calculate minimum and maximum sales
Solution: Calculate minimum and maximum sales
Challenge: Indexed for loops to convert binary to decimal
Solution: Indexed for loops to convert binary to decimal
Challenge: Use for-of to convert binary numbers to decimal
Solution: Use for-of to convert binary numbers to decimal
Challenge: Build an inverted triangle
Solution: Build an inverted triangle
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