Tips and tricks for spending less time in QuickBooks Online
1. Working with Lists
Sort and customize table columns
Round values in a price rule
Merge accounts and other records
2. Displaying Information
Open multiple browser tabs for QuickBooks Online
Bookmark shortcuts for QuickBooks Online pages
Change fields in a customer page
3. Transaction Numbering
Adjust transaction numbering
Renumber incorrectly numbered checks
4. Expense Transactions
Sort bills
Reclassify expense transactions
5. Sales Transactions
Track reimbursable expenses as income
Apply markups to billable expenses
Track nonbillable time
Handle fixed-price jobs
Progress invoicing for cost overruns
6. Special Sales Transactions
Transfer a credit between customer jobs
Record merchant fees
Record retainers and deposits
Write off bad debt
7. Time-Saving Tricks
Select dates with keyboard shortcuts
Other QuickBooks Online keyboard shortcuts
Add, delete, and copy transaction lines
Automatically prefill transaction content
Attach documentation to transactions
Send emails automatically