Put your Raspberry Pi to work
What you should know
Equipment you will need
1. Project: A Push-Button and LED Project
Light an LED with a button press
Connect the LED and switch hardware
Program the LED and switch with Python
What you learned from the LED switch project
2. In Depth: What is the Raspberry Pi GPIO?
Why does Raspberry Pi have a GPIO?
What are all these pins for?
Numbering schemes: Board versus BCM
How do I connect electronics to the GPIO?
3. Project: Sensors, Meters, PWM, and 1-Wire
1-Wire introduction
Connect the 1-Wire
Connect the meter
Program the 1-Wire
What you learned from the temperature sensor project
Pulse width modulation in depth
1-Wire sensors in depth
4. In Depth: GPIO Input
Which GPIO pins can be used for input
Pull-up and pull-down with input pins
Protecting GPIO input with resistors
Protecting GPIO input with Zener diodes
5. Use SPI for Sensors and Displays
Introduction to SPI devices
Connect the BME280 weather station
Connect the RGB OLED Display
What you learned from SPI projects
Understanding SPI in depth
6. In Depth: GPIO Output
GPIO output pins
Protecting GPIO output pins
7. Project: Stepper Motors with I2C
Introduction to I2C devices
Connect the servo controller via I2C
Connect the BME280 via I2C
Install software and test
Control the BME280 and PCA9685
What you learned about I2C
I2C in depth
8. In Depth: Programming Languages
Introduction to programming the Raspberry Pi GPIO
Python and GPIO Zero control of GPIO
Python and RPi.GPIO control of GPIO
Scratch control of GPIO
Bash control of GPIO
Node-RED control of GPIO
C control of GPIO
Java control of GPIO
Wolfram control of GPIO
Binary and bitwise math
9. Project: Connect to UART Serial
Connect the Raspberry Pi to a terminal
Connect to gpio TxD and RxD pins
Enable the serial connection
UART in depth
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