React for full-stack solutions
What you should know
Installing Node.js and npm
1. Creating a React Front End
Why React?
Setting up a React project
Creating the app component
Creating blog pages
Using react-router links
URL parameters with react-router
Creating and linking the articles list
Making the articles list modular
Creating a 404 page in React
2. Creating a Node Back End
Why Node.js?
Setting up an Express server
Testing an Express server with Postman
Route parameters in Express
Upvoting articles
Automatically updating with nodemon
Adding comments functionality
Adding comments
3. Setting Up MongoDB
Why MongoDB?
Installing MongoDB
Adding MongoDB to Express
Rewriting the upvote endpoint
Rewriting the comments endpoint
4. Connecting the Front and Back Ends
The Fetch API
Adding React hooks
Calling useEffect at the right time
Adding Fetch to pages
Displaying comments
Adding an Upvote button
Adding an Add Comment form, part 1
Adding an Add Comment form, part 2
Adding an Add Comment form, part 3
5. Hosting the Site
Preparing the app for release
Pushing code to GitHub
Creating and SSHing into an AWS instance
Setting up an AWS instance
Running a full-stack app on AWS
AWS resource teardown
Next steps
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