Add React to your web designer toolbox
What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. Introducing React
What is React and what is it good for?
React Toolbox: ES6, JSX, and more
React concepts and jargon
Everything is components and elements
Our React build process
React and CSS: A special relationship
Installing React Developer Tools
2. First Project: Customizer
Installing React on an existing site
Identifying your components and data
Set up first simple component
Start using JSX with the help of Babel
Attaching a data source
Create a new component with array data
Implement props
Implement state with the useState hook
Add the color selector component
Change options, see reactions
Challenge: Activate the color selector
3. Second Project: Directory Browser
Use the mockup, make a plan
Challenge: Better usability and animation
Solution: Better usability and animation
Use the mockup, make a plan
Scaffold initial components
Functional components
Build the filters form
Forms in React: Controlled or not
Wire up the filters form
Respond to filter form updates
Animating with ReactTransitionGroup
4. Third Project: Status Updater
Use live data from a RESTful API
Inspecting your starting React code
First API call with useEffect hook
Using conditional rendering
Bring form fields under control
Let form post to the API
Lifting state for data visibility
Completing the status updater
Next steps: React, React Native, and JS
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