Websites without servers in two hours
Why is serverless such a hot topic?
1. Moving from Servers to a Serverless Architecture
S3 as a website hosting mechanism
Buckets and servers don't cost the same!
Look at a serverless website architecture
2. Hosting a Simple Static Website
Manage website requests with S3 bucket names
Set up the folder structure for your website
Set up an S3 bucket to hosting a website
Setting a policy for your S3 bucket
Upload your site to S3
Point a domain at your site with Route53
Redirect www requests to your site
Challenge: Add new pages to your website
Solution: Add new pages to your website
3. Monitoring an S3-Hosted Static Website
Configure CloudWatch for basic monitoring
Keep up with your website logs
Dashboards are your monitoring best friend
Challenge: Add widgets to your monitoring dashboard
Solution: Add widgets to your monitoring dashboard
4. What's Next for a Serverless Static Website?
Good monitoring is rarely basic monitoring
Static sites can become dynamic sites
Keeping your free site free
Hosting dynamic content
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