What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. Authoring Web Parts
An introduction to the dev environment
Create an SPFx web part
A walk-through of an SPFx solution
A walk-through of the SPFx web part
Run our SPFx web part
Debug SPFx web parts in Visual Studio Code
Debug SPFx solutions in the browser
Debug SPFx solutions in the hosted workbench in Office365
2. Deploy SPFx Solutions
Deploying SPFx solutions: Basics
Office 365 CDN: Basics
Manage Office 365 CDN using PowerShell
Manage Office 365 CDN using Office 365 CLI
Test the Office 365 CDN
Deploy the SPFx solution
Uninstall an SPFx solution
Use includeClientSideAssets
3. Provision SharePoint Assets
Basic project structure
Add schema.xml and elements.xml details
Package our solution for testing
Deploy and test our solution
4. Application Customizers
What are application customizers?
Create an application customizer
Application customizer project structure
Test application customizers
Deploy application customizers
5. Field Customizers
What are field customizers?
Create a field customizer
Field customizer project
Field customizer action
Test field customizers
6. Command Sets
What are command sets?
Create a command set project
Command set project template
Test the command set
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