The importance of software architecture
What you need to know
What is software architecture?
1. The Software Architect
What's the job? Traditional architects
What's the job? Modern architects
A day in the life of an architect: Morning
A day in the life of an architect: Afternoon
From developer to architect
2. Thinking Architecturally
Conway's law: Architecture and organizational structure
Incremental vs. big up-front design
Top down vs. bottom up
The role of the domain (bounded contexts)
3. A Design Process: A Brief Introduction
Requirements gathering: Problem statements and user stories
Narrowing: Vertical vs. horizontal splitting
Identifying bounded contexts and entities
4. Categories of Architecture
System vs. enterprise architecture
Design patterns
5. Broad Architectural Patterns
Microkernel (plugin) architecture
Message-based architectures
Microservices and miniservices
Reactive and choreographed systems