Who is this course for?
How to use the exercise files
Taking notes during this course
1. What Makes a Topic Complex?
Complex content from an educator's point of view
Complex content from a student's point of view
Core phases for teaching complex ideas
2. Plan a Unit via Backward Planning
An overview of backward planning
Use a unit planner
Identify enduring learning
Write essential questions
Identify key knowledge
Depth of knowledge (DOK) chart
Identify what students must do
Anticipate potential problems
Plan the daily lessons
Recap of backward planning
3. Effective Lesson Planning via UDL
Introduction and history of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
UDL principles
UDL lesson planner
4. UDL Principle 1: Representation
Introduction to representation
Develop vocabulary and key concepts
Develop background knowledge
Use the metacogntive strategy of think-alouds
Use the metacognitive strategy of self-reflection
Represent information visually
Represent information auditorily
Represent information kinesthetically
5. UDL Principle 2: Engagement
Introduction to engagement
Motivate students through choice
Motivate students through authentic scenarios, tasks, and projects
Wrap up engagement strategies
6. UDL Principle 3: Action and Expression
Introduction to action and expression
Use checklists
Take notes using graphic organizers
Give effective feedback to students
7. Assist Individuals and Teams via Scaffolding
Introduction to scaffolding
Identify when to use scaffolds
Scaffold the reading process
Scaffold reading prompts
Scaffold other kinds of tasks
8. Pull It All Together
Teach complex topics from beginning to end
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