About your presenters
Related courses on
1. Preparing for an Interview
Preparing for an interview
Planning for project goals and impact
Getting the results you want and need
Using themes
Background research
Conducting pre-interviews
Building your talking points
2. Production of Video Interviews
Essential gear
Makeup or no makeup?
Researching the location
Scouting the location
Arrival times
Confirming permissions
Release forms
3. During the Interview
Positioning the subject
Positioning the interviewer
Building rapport
Quick test: Knowing the learning style of your subject
Building interviewee confidence
Creating a story arc with your questions
Your role during an interview
Interview don'ts
Challenge: Edit down interview footage into a two-minute rough cut
Solution: Edit down interview footage into a two-minute rough cut
4. During an Audio-Only Interview
Essential equipment
Testing the recording gear
Recording an interview remotely with Skype
Building rapport
Audio interview techniques
Recording impromptu interviews
Challenge: Cut together a three-minute interview for a podcast
Solution: Cut together a three-minute interview for a podcast
5. Getting Results
Future-proofing interviews
Considering multiple deliverables
Why transcripts matter
Optimal interview scheduling: Duration and time of day
6. Minimizing Narration
How to minimize narration
How to avoid "Can you repeat that?"
Getting supporting points
What's the one thing?
7. Making Editing Easier
Getting coverage of the interviewer
Getting lower thirds in the field
Getting the interviewee to use the words you need
8. Avoiding Obstacles
The brilliant subject matter expert
English as a second language
Limited-time interviews
The very young
Challenge: Create a five-minute mini-documentary for public television
Solution: Create a five-minute mini-documentary for public television
9. Preparing for Post
Logging information from the field
Creating MP3 files for transcription
Sending out for transcripts
Speech analysis
Attaching transcripts
Wrapping up
(959.8 MB)