What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. The DOM Tree
Developer tools
What is the DOM?
The DOM tree
nodeType and nodeName properties
The Node interface
The Document object
The Document methods
Element objects
Modifying text in the DOM
Event objects
Window object
CSS properties and the DOM
Traversing the DOM tree
2. Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript
Select elements with getElementById
Select elements with getElementsByClassName
Select groups of elements with getElementsByName
Select elements with getElementsByTagName
Add, append, and delete DOM nodes
Updating content in place
3. jQuery and the DOM
jQuery application structure
Selecting content in the DOM
4. AngularJS and the DOM
Angular application structure
Updating the DOM tree
From the DOM to directives
5. The React Virtual DOM
React application structure
The React virtual DOM approach
Encapsulating code in components
Live updates for content
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