1. The Gear You Need
Choosing the right camera
Mounting an action camera
Mounting a professional camera
Stabilizing the shots
Power-management strategies
Storage issues
Controlling reflections
2. Setting Up the Camera
Choosing the right interval for shooting
Programming the camera with a smartphone
Safety check
When to shoot JPEG or RAW
3. Capturing the Shot
The test exposure
Building a test sequence
Capture workflow
Monitoring the shot in the car
4. Finishing the Shot: Night
Exercise files
Post-processing the files with Adobe Camera Raw
Assembling the shot with Premiere Pro
Evaluating the shot
5. Finishing the Shot: Night (Long Exposure)
Post-processing the files with Adobe Camera Raw
Assembling the shot with After Effects
Frame blending the shot with After Effects
Color grading night footage
Evaluating the shots
6. Finishing the Shot: Day
Post-processing the files with Adobe Camera Raw
Previewing and batch renaming
Color grading daytime footage
Evaluating the shots
Wrapping up
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