Transitioning to a career in cybersecurity
Why transition to cybersecurity?
Your potential in cybersecurity
1. Getting Started
Advantages of transitioning
Qualifications of cybersecurity pros
Target a career or specialization
Researching jobs
Cybersecurity training
Benefits of an IT or security degree
Plan to become an expert
2. Transitioning from an IT Career
Shadowing cybersecurity pros
Learning security systems
Earning certifications
Assessing IT skills gaps
IT careers that complement cybersecurity
3. Transitioning from a Non-IT Career
Studying IT basics
Benefits of entry-level IT jobs
IT and cybersecurity certifications
4. Resume and Interview Strategies
Revising your resume
Updating your LinkedIn profile
Applying for jobs
Interview strategies
5. Increasing Your Chances of Success
Networking in cybersecurity
Building data analysis skills
Showing initiative in your own time
Creating a professional brand
Setting career goals
Keys to a cybersecurity career
Achieving your goals
Making the transition
Next steps
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