Welcome to Entity Framework Core
What you need to know
Platforms available to Entity Framework Core
Why Entity Framework Core for an existing database?
When Entity Framework Core might not be a good choice
Using the exercise files
1. Get Started with Entity Framework Core (on Your Legacy Database)
Setting up your project
Connecting to the database
Scaffolding an initial model and context
Choose your approach
Understanding the generated context
Migrations against an existing database
2. Improve the Model
Why change the generated model
Changing names
Using shadow properties
Generated properties and default values
Using backing fields
Adding and altering indexes
Adding concurrency tokens and timestamps
3. Model Complex Relationships
Creating an inheritance relationship
Navigation properties
Alternate keys and multicolumn keys
Accessing computed columns
Challenge: Product recall
Solution: Product recall
4. Work with Non-Microsoft Databases
Other database platforms
Create a SQLite database
Populate a SQLite database
PostgreSQL on a Mac
Other options
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