Optimize your JavaScript with a game
What you need to know
1. Game Programming
Game programming basics
Choose an editor
Demo the finished product
2. Your First Game
Your first game
Create the game elements using HTML
Define the initial conditions using CSS and link the style sheet to HTML
Define the objects for the game using JavaScript
Lay out the game objects
Use random numbers to move the game's dot
Create the game loop and start it up
3. Animation
Animation basics
Get started with replacement animation
Create replacement animation using JavaScript
Add some math: Get started with point-to-point animation
Use a formula to animate objects
The JavaScript coordinate system
Boundary collisions and how to simulate them
4. Moving On: Setting up the Rebound Game
Create the game elements using HTML
Add a stylesheet to the game
Use CSS to style and position the game elements
Test the game's CSS using Chrome's Developer Tools
Create variables for the DOM objects using JavaScript
Initialize the HTML DOM objects
Layout the gaming area
Listen for and handle keyboard events
Optimize your JavaScript
5. The Game Loop
Start the game loop
Introduction to requestAnimationFrame()
Use requestAnimationFrame()
Rendering: Drawing game objects on-screen
Physics: Detect collisions
Playability: Manage difficulty
Implement end conditions
6. Make It Mobile!
Support touch and mouse events
Add event listeners for mouse and touch events
Add mouse and touch event handlers to the script
Improving game play: Better collision detection
Implement improved collision detection
Testing in the Android emulator and iOS simulator
7. Game Controls
Give the user some control with a settings screen
Add the game controls DOM objects
Add event listeners and handlers for the game controls
Change the difficulty of the game
Start a new game
8. Add Some Noise!
Add the HTML elements for sound
Initialize the DOM objects for sound
Play sounds on a mobile device
Toggle sound effects
Toggle background music
Browser and device support
Review optimizations
Next steps
(6.1 MB)