What you should know
Using the exercise files
Set up iOS provisioning profile
Set up Android Keystore
1. Introduction to Visual Studio App Center
What is Visual Studio App Center?
The VSAC web portal
Adding organizations
Adding applications
2. Creating Builds
What is continuous integration and continuous distribution?
Set up your first build with Xamarin
Signing builds: iOS
Signing builds: Android
Custom build scripts
Using custom build scripts
Controlling build quality with .NET
Environment variables
Create iOS CI builds
Create iOS CD builds
Create Android CI builds
Create Android CD builds
3. Test Runs
Create UI tests
Exercise your app using Xamarin.UITest
Set up the App Center CLI
Automate a test with the CLI
Using CLI in a script
Add an automated test to the build
4. App Distribution
Distribute your application to QA teams
Set up distribution groups
Install the apps on devices
Distribute your app to external stores
Register iOS devices
5. Crash Reporting and Analytics
Add crash reporting to your Xamarin Android app
Add crash reporting to your Xamarin iOS app
Add crash reporting to your native Android app
Add crash reporting to your native iOS app
Add crash reporting to your React Native app
Examine crash logs
Add custom analytics
Examine analytics
6. Push Notifications
Set up push notifications for Xamarin Android app client
Push notification server setup for Xamarin Android
Add push notifications to native Android apps
Push notification server setup for native Android
Set up push notifications for Xamarin iOS app client
Set up push notifications for native iOS apps
Push notification server setup for iOS
Use VSAC to send a push notification
7. Code Push
Get a deployment key for CodePush
Install CodePush with a React Native application
Set up code push frequency
Use CodePush to deploy to an app
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