Use Git effectively within Visual Studio
Install Git
Install GitHub Extension in Visual Studio
Work with multiple users in the exercise files.
1. The Command Line vs. Visual Tools
Don’t be afraid of the GUI
Tour of Git GUI tools
Git concepts and commands
2. Create a Repo from a Local Computer
Initialize a new repository: PowerShell
Initialize a new repository: VS folder
Initialize a new repository: VS solution
Initialize a new repository: GitHub
Add files: PowerShell
Add files: VS
Rename files: PowerShell
Move files: PowerShell
Delete files: PowerShell
File operations: VS
3. Connect to GitHub and Other Remote Servers
Add a remote repository: PowerShell
Install Git Credential Manager for Windows
Connect and authenticate: PowerShell
Connect and authenticate: VS
Create an empty GitHub repo: VS
Sync existing local remote to GitHub
Examine GitHub configuration information
4. Git Concepts and Commands
Collaborate with shared repositories
Understand when to clone a repository
Understand when to fork a repository
5. Collaborate on an Existing Repo
Clone the repo: PowerShell
Clone the repo: VS
Fork a repo
Clone a forked repo
6. Push and Pull
Change the PowerShell command prompt
Show the Git help files from the command prompt
Commit to local: VS
Push to remote: VS
Commit and push: VS
Undo changes
Show history with Git log: PowerShell
Show history in Team Explorer
Compare differences: VS
When to use revert or reset
Rollback to prior commit with revert
Rollback a local repo with reset
7. Sync Tools
Push to remote by team member
Pull and push
Use Fetch or Pull to sync with remote
Sync: VS
View merge conflicts
Handle merge conflicts
8. Work with Branches
Explore the basic branch actions: PowerShell
Explore the branch tools in Visual Studio
Basic branch actions: VS
Commit changes to another branch
Merge changes into the master
9. Pull Requests and GitHub
Setup a public repository on GitHub
Fork and clone the repository
Verify forked project runs on computer
Change the HTML in fork
Commit and push to fork
Create the pull request
Review and compare the pull request
Have a conversation with contributors
10. Other Operations
GitHub tools
Mark milestons with Git tags