Get started with the popular Vue JavaScript framework
What you should know
Working with the exercise files
1. Introducing Vue
What is Vue and what is it good for?
Vue concepts and jargon
Vue tools
Installing the Vue devtools
2. First Project: Customizer
Installing Vue on an existing site
Creating an instance from the mock-up
Identifying components and data
Adding data to our component
Using a model to begin interactivity
Using v-bind to update classes
Simple templates with computed properties
Listen for an event with v-on
Shorthand notation for faster writing
Challenge: Activate the color selector
Solution: Activate the color selector
3. Second Project: Directory Browser
Make a plan
Scaffold initial components
Pass component data with props
Build the filters form
Wire up the filters form
Respond to filter form updates
Handle custom filter event
Animating with transition-group
Challenge: Better usability and animation
Solution: Better usability and animation
4. Third Project: Status Updater
Incorporating live data via REST APIs
Inspecting our starting code
First API call in a life cycle method
Adding a loader animation with v-if
Hooking up the form to post an update
Updating message list after posting
Adding a third-party Vue component
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