01 Introduction
001 Course introduction
002 Balancing-the-strategic-and-tactical
002 The strategic role of product management
02 Market Intelligence
001 Customer analysis
001 Customer analysis2
001 Customer analysis3
002 Interviewing customers Skills and question types
003 Customer-interviews-guidance
003 Interviewing customers Step-by-step
004 Practice Activity Uber, Lyft, and ridesharing interview
004 Practice-interview-ridesharing-services
005 Persona-template
005 Personas
006 Kano-model-template
006 The Kano Model for analyzing customer needs
007 Practice Activity Reedsy & the Kano Model
007 Reedsy-and-the-Kano-model
008 Customer analysis examples KeepTruckin and Steelcase
009 Market analysis
010 Profiling market segments
010 Profiling-market-segments
011 Sizing market segments
012 Competitive analysis
013 Analyzing direct competition market share and trends
014 Competitors' strategy and go-to-market[UdemyIran.Com]
015 Competitive positioning
016 Competitive product comparisons
016 Competitive-analysis-templates
017 Disruptive technology and autonomous vehicles
018 Competitive monitoring
03 Strategy
001 Product vision and objectives
001 Product-vision-and-objectives
002 Oyster-objectives
002 Practice Activity Product vision and objectives
003 Elements of a strategy
004 Practice Activity Product strategy
004 Product-strategy
005 Operationalizing and refining a strategy
005 Strategy-tracking-template
04 New Product Development
001 Prioritization
002 Roadmap-templates
002 Roadmapping
003 Objectives and key results (OKRs)
004 OKRs-practice-activity
004 Practice Activity Objective and key results (OKRs) with eBird
005 Development buckets
006 Development-buckets-template
006 Practice Activity Development buckets with Radley Robots
006 Radley-Robots-practice-activity
007 Prioritized backlog
007 Value-effort-matrix
008 Discovery and delivery
008 Discovery-and-delivery-handout
009 Big-Agnes-practice-activity
009 Practice Activity Discovery & delivery with Big Agnes tents
010 Stage-gates
011 Testing product concepts
012 Testing product concepts examples
013 Product analytics - software
014 Product analytics - hardware
015 Product experiments
016 The new flavors of product management
017 Launch
018 Excellent new product launches examples
018 Launch-planning
05 Lifecycle management
001 Positioning and communication
001 Value-proposition-template
002 Ancestry-value-proposition-practice-activity
002 Practice Activity Create a value proposition
003 Benefit trees
004 Buyer's journey and content marketing[UdemyIran.Com]
005 Persona-template
005 Personas, purchase process, and engagement triggers
006 Pricing
007 3C's of pricing[UdemyIran.Com]
008 Pricing step-by-step
008 Pricing-worksheet
009 LinkedIn-pricing-practice-activity
009 Practice Activity LinkedIn pricing
010 Discount management
011 Sales support
013 Competitive-selling-against-template
013 Sales enablement tools
013 Sales-enablement-tools
014 Training, deal support, and view-from-the-field
015 Sales channels
016 HP-ink-sales-channel-practice-activity
016 Practice Activity HP sales channels
017 Finding and refining sales channels
018 Product support
019 Product support with Kobo360 and Sendy
020 Finding growth
021 Finding-growth-template
021 Practice Activity Finding growth
022 Product-led growth
023 Growth case study Udemy
024 Obsolescence-criteria
024 Obsolescence
06 Wrap-up
001 7 big themes from the course
002 Course wrap-up
002 Section-1-Course-introduction
002 Section-2-Market-intelligence
002 Section-3-Strategy
002 Section-4-New-product-development
002 Section-5-Lifecycle-Management
002 Section-6-Course-wrap-up
002 Sources-used
003 Bonus lecture Customer interview example