Unit 1: Introduction to Factorial Design-Welcome
Course Description
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Instructor Welcome
Course Introduction
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Unit 1: Introduction to Factorial Design-Introduction to Factorial Design
Unit 1: Introduction
Introduction to Factorials
The Battery Life Experiment
Choice of Sample Size
Factorials with More Than Two Factors
Battery Life Example
Tool Life Example
Target Detection Example
Unit 2: The 2^k Factorial Design-The 2^k Factorial Design
Unit 2: Introduction
Analysis Procedure for a Factorial Design
Reduced Model
How Much Replication is Necessary?
ANOVA Summary - Full Model
The General 2^k Factorial Design
Estimates of the Effects
Other Methods for Analyzing Unpredicated Factorials
The 2^k design and design optimality
Addition of Center Points to a 2^k Design
Plasma Etching Example
Filtration Rate Example
Unit 3: Blocking and Confounding in the 2^k Factorial Design-Blocking and Confounding in the 2^k Factorial Design
Unit 3: Introduction
Blocking a Replicated Design
Confounding in Blocks
Confounding in Blocks, Pt. 2
Filtration Rate with Blocking Example
Unit 4: Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs-Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs
Unit 4: Introduction
Why do Fractional Factorial Designs Work?
Construction of a One-half Fraction
The General 2^(k-p) Fractional Factorial Design
Alias Structures in Fractional Factorials and Other Designs
Resolution III Designs
Plackett-Burman Designs
Resolution IV and V Designs
Filtration Rate Fractional Factorial Example
Eye Focus Time Example