What you should know
How to use the exercise files
1. PHP Namespaces
PHP namespaces overview
Use PHP namespaces
Composer overview
2. PHP Interfaces
PHP interfaces overview
Create an interface
Extend an interface
PHP standard interfaces
3. PHP Traits
PHP Traits overview
Create a Trait
4. Advanced PHP Object-Oriented Programming
PHP magic methods
PHP constructors and deconstructors
PHP singletons
5. PHP Abstract Classes
PHP abstract classes overview
Create an abstract class
6. PHP Iterator
PHP Iterator overview
Create an iterator
Stacking iterators
SPL iterators
7. PHP Generators
PHP generator overview
Create a generator
8. PHP Password Hashing
PHP password hashing
PHP password verification
Update PHP passwords
9. PHP Type Hints
Basic PHP type hints
PHP strict type declarations
PHP return types
10. PHP Closures
PHP closure overview
Create a closure
Advanced closures
11. PHP Exceptions
PHP exception overview
Throw an exception
Nested exceptions
PHP SPL exceptions
Extend PHP exceptions
Finally block
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