What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. The Active Record Pattern
Introducing the active record pattern
Exploring a use case for the active record pattern
The active record pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the active record pattern
Solution: Apply the active record pattern
2. The Adapter Pattern
Introducing the adapter pattern
Exploring a use case for the adapter pattern
The adapter pattern in action
3. The Decorator Pattern
Introducing the decorator pattern
Exploring a use case for the decorator pattern
The decorator pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the decorator pattern
Solution: Apply the decorator pattern
4. The Factory Pattern
Introducing the factory pattern
Exploring a use case for the factory pattern
The factory pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the factory pattern
Solution: Apply the factory pattern
5. Mock Objects
Introducing mock objects
Exploring a use case for mock objects
Mock objects in action
Challenge: Apply mock objects
Solution: Apply mock objects
6. The Model-View-Controller Pattern
Introducing the model-view-controller pattern
Exploring a use case for the model-view-controller pattern
The model-view-controller pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the model-view-controller pattern
Solution: Apply the model-view-controller pattern
7. The Action-Domain-Response Pattern
Introducing the Action-Domain-Response pattern
Exploring a use case for the Action-Domain-Response pattern
The Action-Domain-Response pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the Action-Domain-Response pattern
Solution: Apply the Action-Domain-Response pattern
8. The Publish/Subscriber Pattern
Introducing the publish/subscriber pattern
Exploring a use case for the publish/subscriber pattern
The publish/subscriber pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the publish/subscriber pattern
Solution: Apply the publish/subscriber pattern
9. The Singleton Pattern
Introducing the singleton pattern
Exploring a use case for the singleton pattern
10. The Strategy Pattern
Introducing the strategy pattern
Exploring a use case for the strategy pattern
The strategy pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the strategy pattern
Solution: Apply the strategy pattern
11. The Table Data Gateway Pattern
Introducing the table data gateway pattern
Exploring a use case for the table data gateway pattern
The table data gateway pattern in action
Challenge: Apply the table data gateway pattern
Solution: Apply the table data gateway pattern
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