What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
Setting SQLite permissions
A quick primer on using PHP objects
1. Why Use Object-Oriented PHP to Access a Database?
Overview of PHP database APIs
Using prepared statements
Using transactions
2. PHP Data Object (PDO) Basics
Creating a database source name
Connecting to a database with PDO
Looping directly over a SELECT query
Fetching a result set
Finding the number of results from a SELECT query
Checking if a SELECT query contains results
Executing simple non-SELECT queries
Getting error messages
Using the quote() method to sanitize user input
3. PDO-Prepared Statements and Transactions
Binding input and output values
Using named parameters
Using question marks as anonymous placeholders
Passing an array of values to the execute() method
Binding results to variables
Executing a transaction
Closing the cursor before running another query
4. Advanced PDO Fetch Methods
Generating an array from a pair of columns
Setting an existing object's properties with a database result
Creating an instance of a specific class with a database result
Reusing a result set
5. MySQL Improved Basics
Connecting to a database with MySQLi
Setting the character set
Submitting a SELECT query and getting the number of results
Fetching the result
Rewinding the result for reuse
Handling non-SELECT queries
Getting error messages
Sanitizing user input with real_escape_string()
6. MySQLi Prepared Statements and Transactions
Initializing and preparing a statement
Binding parameters and executing a prepared statement
Binding output variables
Executing a MySQLi transaction
Dealing with "commands out of sync" in prepared statements
7. Diving Deeper into MySQLi
Buffered and unbuffered queries
Using real_query()
Freeing resources that are no longer needed
Submitting multiple queries
Creating an instance of a class from a result set
PDO and MySQLi compared
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