How to use the exercise files
1. Ajax Defined
What is Ajax?
2. Ajax Client
States and events
Load remote text
Load remote JSON
Using jQuery
3. PHP Server
Detect Ajax requests
Respond with HTML partials
Respond with JSON data
Update page on change
4. Ajax Button
Create a favorite button
Send button Ajax request
Process button Ajax request
Handle button Ajax response
Mark favorites on page load
Create an unfavorite button
5. Ajax Form Submission
Create the form
Gather form data
Handle form errors
Add a loading spinner
Disable form button
Allow fallback to HTML
Prevent default
6. Infinite Scrolling
Create a page of items
Process a load request
Append HTML results
Use a data attribute
Trigger Ajax on scroll
Prevent multiple requests
7. Search Autosuggest
Create a text input
Style suggestions
Send an autosuggest Ajax request
Calculate results
Format suggestions with JSON
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