1. Image Enhancement
The Photo interface
Adding a sky layer
Masking the sky
Color adjusting the foreground
Strengthening the sky
Adjusting the image using Burn and Dodge brushes
Hiding regions with the Inpainting tool
2. Creating a Jazz Poster
Using the selection tools
Working with selections
Using the Refine Selection tool
Correcting the Layer Mask
Adding and masking adjustments
Adding a background image
Adding adjustments and filters
Adding Lighting
Adding text
Adding Layer FX to text
Adding a graphic element
Exporting the image
3 Working with RAW Images
Making basic adjustments
Correcting lens distortion
Refining detail and removing noise
Adjusting tones, split toning
Using the Overlay Paint tool
Using history
4. Special Effects
Creating HDR images
Tone mapping HDR images: Defaults
Tone mapping HDR images: Fine tuning
Tone mapping HDR images: Local adjustments
Flag distortion with Mesh Warp
Patching skin blemishes
Distorting faces with Liquify
Distorting animals with Deform
Going further
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