Why code quality is important
What you should know
1. Code Quality
What is code quality?
How do we end up with poor quality code?
Review of code quality metrics and tools
2. Complexity
What is complexity?
Exploring complexity with Code Climate
Enabling cyclomatic complexity
Adjust thresholds
3. Hotspots and Churn
What are hotspots and churn?
Hotspots and churn with CodeScene
Customizing analysis with CodeScene
4. Code Coverage
What is code coverage?
Windows setup
Collecting code coverage with dotCover
Visualizing code coverage with NDepend
macOS X setup
Collecting code coverage with SimpleCov
Visualizing code coverage with Code Climate
5. Duplication
What is duplication?
Setting up copy/paste detectors (CPD)
Finding duplication with CPD
Visualizing duplication with SonarQube
6. Securing Your Dependencies
Why secure dependencies?
Setting up Snyk
Securing your dependencies with Snyk CLI
Securing your dependencies with Snyk web
7. Consistent Coding Style
Why consistent coding style?
Setting up Flask
Detect style violations with Flake8
Automated code style review with Hound CI