What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. Introduction to S.O.L.I.D. Programming
What could go wrong?
Explore a non-SOLID class
Overview of the SOLID principles
2. Interface Segregation Principle
Introduction to interface segregation
Segregate the example classes
ISP applied to example classes
The wrap vs. extend decision
Extend alternatives
3. Liskov Substitution Principle
Introduction to Liskov substitution
Interface variations
Substitution applied to example classes
Default values for parameters
Avoiding isinstance()
4. The Open/Closed Design Principle
Introduction to Open/Closed design
Modify a class and fix bugs
OCP via inheritance and composition
More OCP extension techniques
5. Dependency Inversion Principle
Introduction to dependency inversion
Dependency injection and application configuration
Testing consequences
6. Single Responsibility Principle
Introduction to single responsibility
High cohesion and indirection
GRASP patterns
7. A Design Process
CRC Cards
Test-driven design
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