What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
Installing Alias Design
1. Interface
Checking out the Alias interface
Working within a project
View and entity manipulation
Snapping entities with the Pivot option
The ViewCube and the Navigation bar
Marking-menu custom shelves
Hotkeys and the Menu Editor
Let's get started
Looking at layer basics
Layer symmetry
Layer management
2. Curve Creation
Curve primitives: Circles and sweeps
New curves: CV, Edit Point, and Sketch curves
Blend curves
Keypoint curves
Snapping entities
Moving control points
The Hotbox interface (spacebar)
Creating text
3. Basic Surfaces
Surface primitives
Planar surfaces
Surface sweep extrude
Multi-Surface Draft
Bevel and Skin
Surface Revolve
Mono-rail sweep surfaces
Bi-rail sweep surfaces
Additional notes on sweeps
Tube Flange: Center Radius
Tube Flange: Tangent Offset
Tubular Offset
Fillet Flange
Simple fillet
Freeform Blend
Profile Blend
Ball corners (round)
4. Construction Aids
Using the History view
The Object Lister
The Information window
Reference vectors
Construction planes
5. Modifying Geometry
Symmetrical modeling
Extending curves and surfaces
Flatten (planarize) a basic curve
Flatten hulls onto planes
6. Move, Scale, Flip, or Rotate
Moving geometry
Scale and Non-Proportional Scale
Rotating geometry
Reflecting or flipping objects
3D placement
3D placement with multiple copies
7. Edit Objects
Increasing the complexity of curves
Increasing the complexity of surfaces
Trimming curves
Trimming surfaces
Reverse the direction of a curve or surface
Making an object closed
8. Cut, Trim, and Offset
Offset entities
Intersecting planes and surfaces
Create curves on a surface
9. Create Copies of Objects
Duplicating objects
Rebuilding curves
Rebuilding surfaces
Copy and paste options
Exporting data
Exporting to rapid prototype
10. Align, Combine, and Split Objects
Aligning curves
Aligning surfaces
Joining two curves
Split or detach entities
Stretch a curve
11. Evaluate Geometry
Analyze curve problems
Annotations and measurements
Creating cross-sections
Evaluating curve continuity
Evaluating surface continuity
Measuring deviation between two objects
12. Shading a Model
Multicolor shading
The random-color diagnostic shader
Horizontal and vertical shaders
Visual state analysis
Die-line evaluation
Next steps
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