Introducing film
Understanding why you shoot film
1. Gear and Film Options
Exploring what film formats are available
Understanding lenses and film cameras
Exploring additional accessories for shooting film
2. Shooting Film
Understanding how to load film into a camera
Shooting film with basic settings
Shooting black and white in a vineyard
Working with colored filters and film
Removing the film and preparing to process
3. Developing Film at Home
Understanding what you need to develop film
Mixing the chemistry to develop film
Spooling the film to prepare to develop
Chemically processing the film in a kitchen
Scanning and storing a negative
4. Enlarging Film in a Darkroom
Introducing a darkroom space
Setting up the chemistry in the big darkroom
Setting up the enlarger
Creating a test print
Processing the print in the chemical bath
Creating a work print
Furthering your knowledge of film
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