What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. Progressive Web Apps
What is a Progressive Web App?
Progressive architecture
PWAs today
Android and iOS demo
2. Preparing the Angular App
Technology review
Setting up the basic project
Running the app
Creating the business logic classes
Creating services: Geolocation and maps
Creating services: Data
3. Creating the User Interface
Using Angular Material
Creating the page components
Adding routes to the project
Creating components: List
Creating components: Coffee
Adding place location
Adding coffee ratings
Styling coffee component
4. Connecting to Web Services
Creating a RESTful API
Connecting Angular with HPPT module
Connecting the form with the service
Editing a coffee entry
Connecting mobile actions
5. Creating an Installable PWA
The web app manifest
Defining icons and theme colors
Making an iOS home screen web app
Testing installation capabilities
Inviting the user to install the app
6. Going Offline with Service Workers
What is a service worker?
Pre-caching app's shell with ngsw
Serving the app while offline
Update UI on network status change
Dynamic ngsw-manifest cache
Supporting app updates
Adding web push notifications
Validating with Lighthouse and DevTools
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