The secret of effective machine learning
What you should know
What tools you need
Using the exercise files
1. Review Machine Learning Basics
What is machine learning?
What does machine learning look like in real life?
What does an end-to-end machine learning pipeline look like?
2. Introduction to Feature Engineering
What is feature engineering?
Why does feature engineering matter?
What are the tools in the feature engineering toolbox?
3. Explore the Data
What data are you using?
Explore continuous features
Plot continuous features
Explore categorical features
Plot categorical features
Summary of features
4. Creating and Cleaning Features
Treat missing values in the data
Cap and floor data to remove outliers
Transform skewed features
Creating new features from text
Create indicators
Combining existing features into a new feature
Convert categorical features to numeric
5. Prepare Features for Modeling
Create training and test sets
Standardize all features
Write out three final datasets
6. Compare All Features
Review model evaluation basics
Build a model with raw original features
Build a model with cleaned original features
Build a model with all features
Build a model with reduced set of features
Compare and evaluate all model variations
How to continue advancing your skills
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