Leverage the power of payment services
What you should know
Demo project overview
1. Get Started with Payment Gateways
What is a payment gateway?
Why use a payment gateway?
What are the common payment gateways?
2. Braintree Integration with .NET Core
Set up a Braintree account
Set up a Braintree development environment
Generate a Braintree client token
Pay with credit card: Client setup
Pay with credit card: Final setup
Pay with PayPal
Subscriptions: Set up Braintree payment plans
Subscribe to a Braintree payment plan
3. Stripe Integration with .NET Core
Set up a Stripe development environment
Stripe payments: Client setup
Stripe payments: Final setup
Subscriptions: Set up Stripe payment plans
Subscribe to a Stripe payment plan
4. Create a Custom Stripe Admin Dashboard
Retrieve balance and transactions: Setup
Retrieve balance and transactions: Show data
Retrieve Stripe customers
Retrieve Stripe charges
Retrieve Stripe disputes and refunds
Retrieve Stripe products
Where to go next
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