Prepare to configure and manage your virtual networks with Azure administration
What you should know
1. Implement and Manage Virtual Networking
Azure Virtual Network overview
Create a VNet using the portal
Create a VNet using PowerShell
Create a subnet
IP address overview
Create a public IP address
Create and configure network interfaces
Configure an IP address on a virtual machine
Create and configure network routes
Configure VNet peering
Configure VNet peering using PowerShell
Challenge: Create a VNet
Solution: Create a VNet
2. Configure Name Resolution
Azure DNS overview
Configure custom DNS settings
Configure a public DNS zone
Configure a private DNS zone
3. Secure Access to Virtual Networks
Network security group (NSG) overview
Create and configure a network security group
Create and configure a network security group using PowerShell
Azure Firewall overview
Deploy and configure the Azure Bastion service
Challenge: Configure the Azure Bastion service
Solution: Configure the Azure Bastion service
4. Configure Load Balancing
Azure load balancing overview
Create and configure a public load balancer
Create and configure a private load balancer
Troubleshoot load balancing
Application Gateway Overview
Create and configure an application gateway
Challenge: Configure an application gateway
Solution: Configure an application gateway
5. Integrate an On-Premises Network with Azure
Hybrid connectivity overview
Create an Azure VPN gateway
Create an Azure VPN gateway using PowerShell
Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection
6. Monitor and Troubleshoot Virtual Networking
Network Watcher overview
Use Network Watcher
Challenge: Create a network diagram
Solution: Create a network diagram