Learn to manage your compute resources with Azure Compute
What you should know
1. Configure Virtual Machines for High Availability and Scalability
Azure high availability overview
Configure high availability
Deploy and configure scale sets
Challenge: Deploy and configure scale sets
Solution: Deploy and configure scale sets
2. Create and Configure Virtual Machines
Create an Azure virtual machine
Create a virtual machine using PowerShell
Configure Azure Disk Encryption
Configure Disk Encryption using PowerShell
Move virtual machines to another resource group
Manage virtual machine sizes
Add data disks
Configure networking
Redeploy a virtual machine
Challenge: Provision a virtual machine
Solution: Provision a virtual machine
Challenge: Add a data disk
Solution: Add a data disk
3. Automate Deployment and Configuration of Virtual Machines
Azure Templates overview
Create a template from a deployment
Modify and deploy a template
Configure VHD template
DSC and script extension overview
Apply a custom script extension
Challenge: Install IIS on a virtual machine using a script extension
Solution: Install IIS on a virtual machine using a script extension
4. Create and Configure Containers
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) overview
Deploying the Azure Kubernetes Service
Create and configure Azure Container Instances (ACI)
5. Create and Configure Azure App Service
Azure App Service overview
Create and configure an App Service plan
Create an App Service
Configure custom domain names
Configure backup for an App Service
Configure networking settings
Configure deployment settings
Challenge: Create and configure an App Service
Solution: Create and configure an App Service
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