What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. Getting Started
Analyzing our project
Installing Git and Node on a Mac
Installing Git and Node on a PC
Installing and updating Ruby
Downloading dependencies
Analyzing our workflow
Examining your HTML
2. Organizing Your Sass
Working with Github templates
Organizing your Sass
Preparing your variables
Creating basic styles
Building your own mixins
Preparing your header
Coding the navigation
3. Creating Responsive Grids with Susy
Making your navigation responsive
Controlling media queries with Breakpoint
Using the Susy Gallery mixin
Designing a complex layout
Adjusting your layouts
Padding elements with Susy
Using jQuery for full screen and Compass flexbox features
Creating media queries outside your elements
Adding defaults to your background mixing
Using a split layout
Finishing your layouts
Adding a footer
4. Animating Your Layouts
Creating a tween animation
Pinning your navigation and smoothing scrolling
Highlighting menu items on scroll
Controlling scenes by scrolling
Adjusting for touch devices
Deploying to production
(9.7 MB)