RESTful APIs with Python 3 and Flask
What you should know
Using the exercise files
Demo project overview
1. Getting Started
Creating a new Flask project in PyCharm
Making a super-simple API example
Setting up a run configuration
Testing with Postman
Restarting your server
2. Perfecting the Returned Data
Returning JSON instead of text
HTTP status codes
URL parameters
URL variables and conversion filters
3. Working With Databases
Adding an ORM (SQLAlchemy)
Setting up SQLAlchemy
Creating the ORM model classes
Seeding the database with the Flask CLI
Viewing the database in DB Browser for SQLite
Retrieving a list of planets from the database
Serializing SQLAlchemy results with Marshmallow
4. API Security
JSON Web Tokens
Registering new users
Authenticating users and passing the token
Setting up email
Emailing a lost password
5. Create, Read, Update, and Delete
Retrieving a single planet's details
Adding planets with a POST method
Securing the add planet endpoint
Updating a planet using a PUT method
Deleting a planet with DEL
Finishing Touches
Exporting your project’s requirements file
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