1. Setup
Setting up the virtual environment and framework
Installing Python and Flask
Configuring Flask
Creating and running a simple Flask application
2. Creating a Flask Project
Creating the enrollment application
Running and configuring the development server
Creating the homepage
Creating navigation links and route patterns
3. Working with Templates
Creating the base template
Creating child templates
Passing data to the view
Accessing data via request and response objects
URL variables
Working with the GET method
Working with the POST method
Sending a JSON response
4. Working with Databases
Installing database systems
Setting up the database
Connecting to the database
Creating documents and data
Creating the data models
5. Working with Web Forms and Flask-Security
Installation and configuration
Creating the login and registration pages
Updating the login route and login template
Flashing messages
Displaying form validation error messages
Processing form data and updating the database
Updating login route to interact with database
Updating registration route to interact with database
Creating the courses page
Creating the enrollment page
Updating the enrollment template
Creating the MongoDB aggregation pipeline
Adding the aggregation pipeline to application
Creating sessions and authentication
Setting up the session for logout and enrollment routes
Updating the navigation and testing the session
Adding the welcome message to layout
6. Creating and Testing REST APIs Using Postman
Installing Postman and the Flask-RESTPlus APIs extension
Fetching data using GET
Inserting data using POST
Updating data using PUT
Deleting data using DELETE
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