Working with text in .NET
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1. Overview
.NET, text, and strings
What is a string?
Declaring a string variable
Initialize a string variable
Immutable: What does that mean in .NET strings?
2. The Char Type
The char, the building block of a strong
Initialize a string from a char array
Get a char from a string
Use char methods to analyze Unicode data
3. String Basics
Three ways to work with string literals
Use escape sequences to add control chars to a string
Use verbatim string literals
4. Composing Strings
Combine strings with String.Concat
Combine strings with the concatenation operator
Composite formatting with placeholders
Use C# interpolation for simpler composite formatting
Use StringBuilder to improve performance
Use Perf Monitor to examine performance improvements
5. String Methods
Splitting strings into an array
Use LINQ to query string array
Joining an array into a string
Trim unwanted content from a string
Work with a subset of a string
Verify that string contains search characters
Replace and remove content
Challenge: Better substring
Solution: Better substring
6. How Custom Types Format and Parse Strings
Custom types and string conversions
How custom types are converted to string with toString()
How custom types override toString()
IFormattable and the toString() call order
Custom formats with IFormattable
Working with culture-specific formats
Challenge: Split a string into two numbers
Solution: Convert a string to the type with parse()
Add custom filters to parse()
Prevent exceptions with a tryParse() implementation
7. Formatting
Formatting data with the built-in numeric formats
Formatting data with custom formatters
Apply conditional string formats
Formatting dates
Challenge: Ordinal formatting
Solution: Ordinal formatting
8. Convert and Parse
The parse() method and the Convert class
Use tryParse() for better error handing
9. Culture Information
Why is culture important for strings?
The CultureInfo class
Use culture when formatting strings
Invariant culture and strings
10. Compare and Sort
How string comparison works in .NET
Test for equality with String.Equals
Compare strings with String.Compare
Sort strings with Array.Sort and LINQ