Manage and enhance photos with Capture One Pro 12
What you should know
Navigate the example catalog
1. Quick Start with Capture One Pro
Import images into the application
Create a project and an album for your import
Rate your images
Auto adjustments and basic image editing
Export completed files
2. New Features in Capture One Pro 12
Improved user interface
Keyboard shortcut management
Intelligent copy and paste
Radial gradient masks
Linear gradient masks
Luminosity masks
Fujifilm film simulations and compatibility
Export plugin architecture
3. Color Editing a Portrait
Base characteristics and white balance
Improve skin tone
Eliminate skin shine
Explore presets in the Color Balance tool
Strategies for black and white conversion
Evaluate a color corrected portrait
4. Adjust Tones for a Landscape
Work with the Exposure sliders
Recover highlights and shadows
Fine tune tones with levels
Using curves for specific tonal areas
Add pop with Clarity
Using a radial mask instead of a vignette
Evaluate a tonally corrected landscape
5. Compositional Edits for Architecture
Improve optical performance with Lens Correction
Correct slanting horizontal lines
Alignment with Keystone Correction
Crop to add visual impact
Apply sharpening to an image
Add film grain for style and crispness
Evaluate an edited architecture image
6. Fine Tune Your Images
Eliminate dust spots
Use the Clone tool on a new layer
Content-aware corrections with a healing brush
Enhance a sky with a gradient mask
Apply corrections to multiple images
Apply styles to an image for a creative look
Create your own style
Clean up an image with Noise Reduction
7. Organize Your Photos
Catalog Collections vs. User Collections
Create groups, projects, and albums
Managed catalogs vs. referenced catalogs
Work with a referenced catalog
Use star ratings to cull your images
Mark images with color tags
Explore the Filters pane for sorting images
Apply multiple conditions in the Filters pane
Use the search dialog box
Create a Smart Album to retain your search results
8. Helpful Tips and Techniques
Export images
Build an electronic contact sheet
Create a slideshow to review and present images
Rename the filenames of images
Create variants for multiple versions of one shot
Use global filters to see only certain file types
Verify and backup a catalog
Restore a catalog
Strategies for protecting master images
(763.9 MB)