Using the exercise files
Getting started
1. Laying the Foundation
Touring the interface
Understanding dynamic data relationships
Exploring design data stored within a drawing
Displaying design data using styles
Controlling drawing settings
Viewing designs in 3D
Reviewing design data using the Panorama
Accessing help
2. Creating and Managing Points
Introducing point objects
Formatting points using description keys
Customizing point labels using description keys
Modifying points
Understanding label styles
Understanding object styles
Importing a survey point file
Creating point groups
Connecting points
Managing points
3. Defining Existing Ground Surfaces
Creating a surface from point data
Controlling build properties
Adding breaklines to improve accuracy
Editing surface triangulation
Labeling contours
Understanding object layers
4. Designing Horizontal Alignments
Accessing specialized draw tools
Creating an alignment from objects
Drawing an alignment using layout tools
Editing alignment geometry
Assigning design criteria
Controlling alignment properties
Labeling alignments
Editing alignment labels
5. Creating Profiles and Profile Views
Sampling a surface profile
Assigning a vertical scale to a profile view
Creating offset surface profiles
Creating a profile using layout tools
Editing profiles
Applying design standards
Labeling profile elevations
Labeling profile geometry
Splitting profile views
6. Sharing Design Data between Drawings
Creating a project
Using data shortcuts to share design data
Repairing broken references
Merging referenced data into a single drawing
7. Creating and Managing Parcels
Introducing parcels
Creating parcels from objects
Creating parcels using layout tools
Editing parcels
Renumbering parcels
Labeling parcel areas
Labeling parcel segments
Controlling display order of overlapping segments
8. Creating Basic Roadway Models
Introducing assemblies
Creating an assembly
Building a basic corridor model
Using assemblies to edit corridors
Customizing assemblies using generic links
Viewing corridors using the Section Editor
Daylighting a corridor to a surface
Creating a surface from a corridor model
Defining corridor regions
Renaming subassembly parts
Modeling a roadway widening
9. Exploring Advanced Roadway Modeling Concepts
Modeling an intersection, part 1: Approaches
Modeling an intersection, part 2: Curb returns
Automating intersection modeling
Editing automated intersections
Calculating superelevation
Modeling a superelevated roadway
10. Modeling Gravity-Based Pipe Networks
Introducing pipe networks
Building a parts list
Understanding rule sets
Drawing a pipe network
Displaying a pipe network in profile view
Labeling a pipe network
Editing a pipe network layout
Editing pipe network data
Editing a pipe network in profile view
Identifying conflicts
11. Modeling Pressure Pipe Networks
Introducing pressure networks
Building a parts list
Creating a pressure network from object
Drawing a pressure network using layout tools
Editing a pressure network in plan view
Displaying a pressure network in profile view
Editing a pressure network in profile view
Labeling a pressure network
12. Managing Sample Lines
Introducing sample lines
Creating sample lines
Editing sample lines
13. Creating Sections and Section Views
Creating section views
Editing section views
Labeling section views
Sampling additional data sources
Calculating earthwork volumes
Calculating material volumes
14. Exploring Grading Tools
Creating an existing ground surface from contours
Defining proposed grading from contours
Introducing feature lines
Editing feature lines vertically
Editing feature lines horizontally
Leveraging feature line interaction
Introducing grading objects
Leveraging automated grading group surfaces
Pasting surfaces together
15. Analyzing Designs
Performing a surface elevation analysis
Using surface comparison to calculate earthwork
Performing a surface slope analysis
Using the Inquiry Tool
16. Generating Plan Sheets
Introduction to fields
Introduction to sheet sets
Building a sheet set from existing sheets
Renaming and renumbering sheets
Defining view frame groups
Creating automated plan and profile sheets
Creating automated cross-section sheets
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