Azure DevOps for software teams
What you should know
1. What Is DevOps?
What is DevOps?
Why is DevOps useful?
2. Azure DevOps Release Pipelines
Release pipelines
3. Microsoft Azure Environment
Overcome deployment obstacles with Azure
Automatic creation of environments
Azure Resource Manager and ARM templates
Deployment to Azure App Services
4. Installing Build and Release Agents
Introduction to agents
Download the agents
Install the agents
Prepare for agents configuration
Configure the agents
5. Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous integration (CI) overview
Review the CI build setup
Run the CI build
Review the build output
Build alternatives to .NET projects
6. Continuous Delivery (CD)
Release pipelines basics
Start a release pipeline
Create a release pipeline: Agent jobs, part 1
Create a release pipeline: Agent jobs, part 2
Use variables in pipelines
Finalize variables in pipelines
Standardize pipelines with task groups
Deployment groups for tracking pipelines
Create a deployment group
7. CI/CD in Action in Azure
Deploy into Azure
Finalize Azure deployment
Azure deployment: Edit pipeline
Begin Azure DevOps end-to-end experience
Azure DevOps end-to-end experience